Thursday, December 12, 2013

Store Digital Copies Of Your Keys in the Cloud With The KeyMe App

Just like you store your photos, your music, and even your documents in the cloud, a new app makes it possible to store a digital copy of your keys in the cloud as well. This app, which is known as KeyMe, has been dubbed a digital keychain. It allows you to scan a copy of your keys using your iPhone, iPad, or even your iPod Touch to store it in the event that the key becomes lost.

The way it works is simple. Just download the app and then go to "Scan a New Key." From there, you'll simply take a photo of the front and the back of your key and upload it to the app's server for analysis. The app will scan the key and then store the key's info for you. After it has been analyzed, it shows up on your digital key ring. The app is free.

After your key has been successfully uploaded using the KeyMe app, you can then order copies of the key using the app. You can also take the image to a local locksmith who can cut the key for you while you wait. The price for cutting most keys using the app or with your locksmith is about the same, so it's really just a matter of preference as to which you use.

Using a Houston company like SK Locksmith, you get the key right away. With the app, you have to wait. When most people lose their keys, they need them replaced quickly, so a locksmith is typically your best bet.

The app makes it possible, however, for your locksmith to make the key without having a copy of it there, which makes the app invaluable, just for that reason. KeyMe does charge $10 for displaying the instructions for your locksmith to use the app. Still, this is less than having to pay to have your locks rekeyed.

At the moment, the app is only available for iOS, and it does not work with all types of keys. In the future, the company plans to offer brick-and-mortar kiosks where you can pick up a key after ordering in the cloud. As of yet, there is only one kiosk in the country in operation, and that's in New York City.

Check out the video:

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Why Deadbolts Are Important to Home Security

One part of home security that is often overlooked by homeowners is the deadbolt. A deadbolt can be an integral part of your plan to keep would-be crooks and bad guys on the other side of the door.

Of all the things you can do to boost your home's security and keep your family and possessions safe (such as getting a guard dog and installing an alarm system), if you don't have working deadbolts installed on your doors, then your home really is not as secure as you think it is.

When an intruder wants in your home, he will use force—in fact, that's how most burglars gain entry into homes. According to FBI statistics, 60 percent of burglaries occur when the perpetrators enters the home by force. If you have a deadbolt installed, the chance of that happening is greatly reduced.

What is a Deadbolt?
Deadbolt Lock
The most common deadbolt is the bored or auxiliary cylindrical deadbolt. Typically, it is installed above the existing lever or door knob and is in addition to the existing mortise or cylindrical lock.

It is usually installed by drilling two holes in the door, including a cross-bore hole and an edge-bore hole.

Most locksmiths advise homeowners to avoid entryway doors that are equipped with glass panels on the side, since a burglar can easily break the panels, reach inside, and unlatch the deadbolt, thus defeating its purpose.

If you have a glass-paneled door of this design, you can go for the double-cylinder deadbolt that comes with a key that unlocks the door from the inside. However, this can be dangerous if you ever need to get out of the home quickly (such as during a house fire), which is the biggest drawback to this installation.

Proper Installation of a Deadbolt Lock

Any deadbolt is only as good as its installation, which means that hiring a locksmith to properly install your deadbolt is money well spent. Installation requires allowing for a "throw" on the strike side of the door, the installation of a security plate, and proper placement of screws that extend all the way through the frame of your door.

An experienced locksmith is best equipped to install your deadbolt properly so that it keeps your family and your home safe from potential intruders. Click Here to find out more.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What Type of Services Does an Auto Locksmith Provide?

You likely know little about what a locksmith does until the time arises when you need to hire one. And while you may know that a locksmith can unlock your car if you leave the keys inside by mistake, you may not know that the locksmith offers many other specialized services, like re-keying your lock after a break-in and rescuing drivers who become stranded when they lock their keys inside their trunks.

With today's automotive systems becoming more and more advanced, consumers can have peace of mind in knowing that a well-trained Houston locksmith is on hand with the high-tech tools needed to help when a problem arises.

Some reasons you may want to call on your local Houston auto locksmith:

  • Auto lockout service. If you lock your keys inside your car, our trained technicians will be dispatched to help. Usually, we can be inside your car in minutes, and you can be on the road and back to whatever you were doing before you forgot your keys inside your car.
  • Trunk lockout. Being locked out of your trunk can be frustrating, especially when you've got groceries or other items inside. Our technicians can open your trunk quickly so that you can get on with your day.
  • Broken keys in the ignition. If a worn key has broken inside your ignition, you're probably not going anywhere soon. Not to worry; our technicians are trained to deal with this all-too-common problem right away, even if your car is a newer model.
  • Lost keys. Because our technicians have the ability to make laser-cut keys and transponder keys on the spot, losing your keys doesn't mean the end of the world.

No one is perfect, and finding yourself in need of a locksmith doesn't mean that you're absent minded. Your Houston auto locksmith operates from a high-tech service vehicle that is equipped with the tools needed to make keys or even ignition replacements within minutes.
New Car Keys

Keep in mind that not all Houston locksmiths are created equally, since not all are licensed by the Texas Department of Public Security (DPS). If a locksmith is not licensed by the DPS, the locksmith is not legitimate.

All legitimate Houston auto locksmiths are bonded, licensed, and insured to operate in Texas to protect you, the consumer, while receiving needed services.

Friday, September 6, 2013

When Should I Get My Locks Changed or Re-keyed?

There are several occasions in life at which you will need to have your locks changed, and an attempted or successful break in is one of those times. However it’s not just victims of burglary that should consider getting new locks, although if you fall into that category you shouldn’t hesitate to protect your home with new locks.

It could be that you’ve given some spare keys out to various people over the years – you may not even remember who has them and you may have no idea where they have ended up. You gave one to the plumber that came to work in your kitchen when you couldn’t be at home… now you feel uneasy as you recall that, did you ever get that key back?

Perhaps you lost your keys at some point, and have no idea whose hands they fell into. You decide it’s better to trust in human nature and not to worry about it, but meanwhile your keys are discovered in the local area by a dubious sort of person who decides it is far too easy take advantage of the situation and may decide that your home could be an easy score.

It's at times like these that you should seek out the services of a professional locksmith. They can quickly install new locks or rekey your old locks to work with a brand new key. Just use your favorite search engine to look for local companies in your area like SK Locksmith, an experienced company like that will ensure you regain the security of your home and your piece of mind.

If you are moving in to a new home, you should think about changing the locks after you move in. The people who lived in the house before you may still have access to your home. Could you sleep easy at night knowing they could come into your house through the front door at any time?

The same goes for relationship break ups, especially acrimonious ones. You’ve fallen out with an ex boyfriend, and he still has a key to your apartment. You return from a restaurant one night to discover he has been in your apartment and stripped it of all the things you bought together to get his revenge. Whether it’s a partner or just a roommate, don’t make it easy for them to get into your private space without your permission, call a local locksmith.

In Houston Call: 832-777-7010

Friday, August 16, 2013

5 Tips to Avoid Scam Locksmith Companies

Just like in all industries, there is always the risk of running into someone who might try to scam you. The locksmith industry is no different, and thus it’s important to know some of the prime indicators that you might be dealing with someone who is trying to scam you.

Locksmith scam artists like to pretend to be the real thing—but a few things might be off. They might pull up in a truck that has no identification, or they might not want to give you a full price until after the job is completed. Either way, here are some tips for finding a scam before you spend your hard earned money on a fake.

1. Make sure the company has an actual business name.

Making sure the company has its own, legitimate name is crucial. Many locksmith scams don’t use a company name, instead they use generic phrases such as “locksmith services” and pass their services on through ads or word of mouth. Don’t fall for it!

Make sure that the company has a legal name that is either online, in print, or registered with the state through a consumer protection bureau. Many states, such as Texas, require locksmith companies to be licensed by the state. Legitimate locksmiths in Texas must be licensed and are required to carry proof, ask for their licence credentials.

2. Does their appearance seem off?

Appearances can mean everything. Did the locksmith just pull up in an unmarked car, with a shirt that has no identification on it? If they show up without those things, ask for their license or state registration.

If they have neither, then you are probably dealing with a scam. You want to ensure that the people who will be working on your residence or place of business have the proper training and are licensed to be performing the type of work that they about to do.

3. Warranties

Warranties are an insurance in case of mistakes, errors, and anything else that can go wrong. You don’t have to purchase a warranty, but if the locksmith company doesn’t even offer them, you might have a problem.

Scammers don’t offer warranties because they might not even be around in the next few months. You want to make sure that the company that you are dealing with is legitimate and doesn’t plan on abandoning their customers if they give shoddy work.

4. Get the job detailed in writing before you agree to start

Some scams will not give you pricing until after they’ve finished the job. That’s so they can charge whatever they like. Don’t fall for it—always get your quote beforehand, and whenever possible its best to do so in writing.

5. Is the company drilling for a simple job?

If the company goes straight for the drill they probably don’t have the skills or the tools to do the job. Locksmiths that have experience and skills can pick and unlock your door if you are locked out.